Tips for Becoming a Successful Blogger in 2023

You will follow these tips on how to become a successful blogger in 2023 through this blockage. You can become a successful bloggers. And you can get the right path for blogging success.

I am sorry to tell that 75 % is blocked because there are not 5000 visitors per month.

Tips to Become Successful Blogger (Info graphics):-

Here are tips to become a successful blogger. All you have to do is follow the tips below.

Tips to Success in Blogging Field:-

  • Blog at least twice a week.
  • Articles must be 2000+ words.
  • Para must not contain 4+ lines.
  • Active on all social account.
  • Respond to every comment.
  • Follow the user suggestion.

Using this programming on your website, you can paste the code below on any HTML related platform.

Get all the points to become a successful blogger. So don’t edit this code.

Each point is discussed in detail below.

Blog at Least Twice a Week:-

It is recommended for you to blog at least twice a week which would be great if you are a part-time blogger, however, if you are a full-time blogger you can blog at least 1 blog article per day. Blogging daily will improve your writing skills as well as your blog’s domain authority. You can use one of the best grammar tools to check author’s grammar and punctuation of their articles. If you have existing articles on your blog, you can use it to proofread your articles.

Check out posts about the best proofreading tools you can use.

Articles must be of 2,000+ Words:-

A study was done by Brian Dean those articles longer than 1890 words rank higher in search engines. So, write a long form of content.

I recommend writing 2,000+ word articles. You can check my recent articles I have written more than 3000+ words of articles and also 5000+ words of an article.

You might be wondering what the reason behind writing long articles is. So I am telling you long in depth articles for better ranking in search engine and crawling well by search engine spiders.

Your article also gets a chance to rank on multiple keywords as you can see in the image below that this article is ranking on different keywords.

You must optimize your articles for search engines this will open new opportunities for you to become a successful blogger. You can use Serums to optimize your articles and create a path to success.

If you want to improve your skills and become a better version of yourself, you should invest in self-education. You can check out LinkedIn Learning’s programs to accelerate your learning curve.

Paragraph must not contain more than 4 lines:-

Yes, you read that right, if I write 10 lines in a paragraph, would you consider reading it? Maybe or maybe not but 90% of people don’t like more than 4 lines per paragraph.

One should practice writing short paragraphs with point information. Longer articles are suggested, although crisp articles. You should find what he was looking for.

If you want to be successful in blogging, you need to know how to play with words and grammar. You can use the Grammar Chrome extension to write error-free articles.

Active on social accounts:-

Now, people spend more time on social media and to grab their attention you need to be active on all social accounts and create at least 1 post per day but in my case I am posting more than 20+ content on my social media channels.

You should understand that the trend of social media channels will change according to people’s content consumption these days Tick Took is booming in the industry and has a super organic reach just like Instagram and Facebook.

You can promote your content on every possible social media platform available on the internet. YouTube is another best platform to promote your text-based content and get huge conversions. Writing blogs and creating videos on the same topic and placing links in your video description will help you get more traffic and intent-based users. More potential buyers and customers.

If you have a you tube channel and not getting subscribers then you must check this post.

Also, check out the cheat sheet to rank your videos on YouTube for free.

You can use Social Pilot to schedule your social media. Get a 14 day free trial.

Respond to every comment:-

What if you leave a comment on a blog or YouTube channel and don’t get a reply? You cannot visit that blog or channel again.

On the other hand, if someone consistently replies to all of your comments, chances are you’ll return to that blog again and again. Whenever you reply to your comment with their name you won’t forget in 5-6 years that you replied to his comment.

Make your users happy by letting them know you are reading their comments, thus creating a healthy connection with your readers

I know it becomes difficult when you become a popular and successful blogger or YouTube but try to respond as much as possible or you can hire a moderator to do it.

So, I recommend replying to every comment on your blog and engaging with users.

Follow the user’s suggestion:-

If a user gives you a suggestion or feedback, follow it up to maintain your blog because many big companies spend a lot of money to promote user testing and you are getting it for free.

If you know what your users want, you can give them what they want and maximize your conversions and sales. You may have heard that data companies spend a lot of money to learn the behavior and nature of their customers so every feedback counts in improving your blog and company.

Never ignore user suggestions, for example – if they suggest that your image quality is not good, make it better for them.

Easy navigation:-

Easy navigation means make it easy for users to navigate your blog to find what they want i.e. your blog must have a contact us form so that users can contact you whenever they want.

If they navigate to categories they will find available categories in your blog, if customizing your website design is difficult you can hire someone from Fiber I hire people based on my requirements whenever needed.

Learn basic of SEO and blogging:-

Learn basic SEO and blogging to strengthen your blog so search engines can give you some value.

I would recommend these blogs for learning SEO and digital marketing.

Learn some basic SEO and apply it to your blog. You can follow blogs like SearchEngineLand and SERroundtable for the latest news in the SEO world You must follow the official Google Webmaster Central blog for official announcements from Google Webmaster’s Corner.

Collect emails on your blog for sending newsletters:-

If you’re not collecting your visitors’ emails and converting them into your blog subscribers, you’re missing a big piece at the table. You can use Thrive Leads to collect emails and use Aweber as your email autoresponder to schedule automatic emails when someone subscribes to your blog.

By doing this you are creating a popular audience for you to promote your latest blog posts and offers.

Use HD quality images:-

You can use HD quality images in your blog to maintain the quality of your blog. You can get royalty free HD images from and

Images should be optimized for better loading speed of your blog; you can use image compression and small pixels for WpRocket to load your site faster. I am using the paid version of both which works great.

Write quality content consistently:-

As we know “hard work pays off” if you consistently write 2,000+ word quality content you will get great traffic to your blog which means more money.

If you are wondering how to drive more traffic from search engines then you should focus on building your blog’s authority by writing and updating your articles daily and building your blog’s link building profile. If you regularly write engaging content, you can attract good link opportunities for your blog.

Building quality links to your articles is the most important process of promotion you can use Links Management tool to tie this effort.

And if you find writing articles difficult for you then you can hire best content writers from AffloSpark.

If you want to write quality articles using AI, you should checkout to write more quality content in less time.

Monetization should be must:-

Thinking of monetizing your traffic with ads? So Ad Sense is the best ad network in the industry right now. You can use Ad sense, to monetize your site with display ads but if you want to monetize with CPA marketing then Maxbounty.

If you are going to start affiliate marketing then try to get approval from different affiliate networks like Phrasal, Zvizu, Admitad, Click bank, Brushy, Impact etc.

Give a conclusion to the end to articles:-

If you are writing a theory article or an expository article, the conclusion must be at the end of the essay. An epilogue is the part that every audience reads.

Write important points in bullets so visitors can get a quick shot of what they are looking for.

Make audience know you better:-

Make sure your blog has an “About Us” page so your visitors can get to know you better This is very important from marketing point of view. If they know you better, chances are they will trust you and if you have a product blog, more people are going to buy it.

Connections are everything in content marketing. Personalization will work better in digital marketing as you interact with them through your content.

Have an about us, content us and a privacy policy page:-

If you have this page then advertiser can contact you properly and you will earn handsome money.

These pages are also required to approve your Ad sense account if you want to monetize your traffic with ads, so go ahead and create it now.

Be friendly with your audience:-

Last but not the least, be friendly with your audience, engage with them, have lots of fun with them. If you become selfish, no one will like you and you will lose your readership and influence. Work smart on your blog. Your blog should be ready which will open up new opportunities for learning and earning.

If you don’t have a blog and want to start your blogging journey then check out this post today to start your own blog without wasting your time and become a successful blogger.


I hope through this post I could tell you about the  best tips to become a successful blogger in 2023. You have got the websites you are doing. If you know something, you can ask in the comments below.

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