How to Fix Set User Settings to Driver Failed Error on Windows

 Many windows users, especially those with Lenovo and sony laptops or PCs. One of the two dialogs reported that the users failed the driver’s settings. The problem on this page does not seem to be serious. However, many users may be annoyed by the constant warning. So we decided that the error was related to chatpad. Joy will find out the reason for sending most of the Lenovo and Sony laptops. We will try to figure out how to fix the user setting of windows computer driver failure. We will inform you in detail below.

Fix Set Users Settings to Driver Failed Error on Windows:-

We’ve included three different ways to fix windows driver failure user settings errors. You are allowed to delete the first pointing service locally. You do not have to perform the third service completely so that you do not encounter any errors. You need chatpad enable to view it.

Please note that the following articles will help you navigate through the details of this registration without delay.

Delete the Apls Pointing Drive:-

  • First you have to right-click on the taskbar. Clicking on this right will open the tax manager.
  • Find the Alps pointing device driver under the processes tab. Then you need to click the enter button in the bottom right corner.
  • Similarly this process APMSGFWD must be found under them. And this work needs to be completed soon.
  • Then go to the tax manager. You have to finish the tax again.
  • Here you have to navigate to the program file after opening the C drive. A point 2K find the folder. If the folder is not available there you have to go inside the folder file.
  • The folder A point2K needs to be deleted here. There is no need to make a program directory since all responses have stopped. You do not have to face setup logs on windows PC or laptop driver failure user settings.

Rename the Apoint.exe File:-

If you can’t solve the above method problem then try to rename this point.exe file. Annoying settings on windows PC or laptop is responsible for drive failure. Do not force the pointing driver of windows to call because the name of the file is not changing. To change this file you need to follow the steps below.

  • First you need to open this file exe. player. Here you have to open the program and find out the Point 2K. If the point 2K folder is there, you will easily try to find the program file folder.
  • Then point to the right of the folder.
  • Now go to the Security tab. After giving security, you have to click on advance.
  • Click to change the advanced security settings windows.
  • You have the option to enter the name of the object. You have to look at the name of the object. We will now be allowed to change the folder and its contents.
  • Then after adding windows advanced security settings, click on the button.
  • Then select a key and click. Select Permissions from the drop-down menu. Finally, you need to check if it is ok by selecting this full control check box.
  • Now you have to click to see if it is ok to open a few more windows. Cannot change your preferred name. For example, I said a name like nothing.exe.
  • Finally, you need to restart your computer. Windows computer set user settings to driver failed will have to face.

Disable the Service:-

If you do not have an account, you will need to change it. You can disable Alps services from your PC. Because of the driver failure on your windows PC, you don’t have to face the user settings.

  • First, you will search for 1-4 steps from the above section. Then run window will open. So, you have to type here Service.MSC enter by typing.
  • Windows service windows must be opened. Here Alps SMBUS Monitor Service search. After searching, click on the top right here.
  • Click on stop here to change the startup type. Then you have to click on the ok button.
  • Open the tax manager. Here you can identify the Alps pointing device. Finally, we need to restart our computer. Set user’s driver failed an error occurred on your PC.

Reinstall the Driver:-

  • First, you need to click on the menu on the right. Then the device manager will open.
  • Here you need to click on another pointing device menu. Then select after uninstalling the device.
  • You have to take action at the top. You will see that the hardware needs to be scanned for changes. Do you need to reinstall automatically?
  • Once you have clicked on the world pointing device. After right-clicking, Select the updated driver.
  • Automatically search for drivers here. You need to download the latest Alps from the internet on your Windows PC.
  • You need to set user settings for driver failure on your windows PC. If errors need to be steps.


In conclusion, this post has shown you how to fix the set user settings to driver failed error on windows with possible fixes. If you also encounter the same error, try the methods above.

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