Free Facebook Marketing Tool (Meta Advertising Tools)

Creating engaging ads that generate high-quality leads on Facebook can be daunting. If you’re wondering how to take your Facebook marketing game to the next level, look no further.

I’ve got the Ultimate List of Facebook Marketing Tools for 2023! From social media marketing and managing to analytics and everything in between, I’ve got you covered.

But before we jump into the best Facebook marketing tools, let’s make sure we’re familiar with what Facebook marketing software is and why.

What is Facebook Marketing Software:-

Facebook marketing software is a suite of tools and platforms designed to help businesses and marketers alike promote their products, services or brands on the Facebook platform.

These software solutions enable businesses to create, manage and optimize your Facebook ad campaigns, target specific audiences and analyze your campaign performance.

Why do you use Facebook Marketing Software:-

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms with 2.9 billion active monthly users, making it an excellent platform for businesses to promote their products or services.

Here is Five Reasons Why Business use Facebook Marketing:-

Targeted Advertising:-

Facebook marketing software allows you to tailor and target your brand’s ads to specific audiences based on factors such as age, location, interests and behavior.

Increased Brand Awareness:-

They enable brands to increase brand awareness by creating attractive advertisements seen by their target audience.

Cost Effective:-

These tools are cost-effective ways to reach your target audience. They allow you to create and manage all your social media campaigns from one tool.

Analytics and Reporting:-

Facebook marketing software provides your business with analytics and reporting tools that enable you to track the performance of your ads and make informed decisions based on data.


Facebook marketing tools allow you to retarget your ads to people who have previously engaged with your content, such as visiting your website or liking your page.

Facebook marketing software helps you get more exposure for your ads on Facebook, shows you where you can improve your ads, as well as manages your posting schedule.

How to Choose the Best Online Facebook Marketing Tools:-

When it comes to choosing the best online Facebook marketing tool, there are several factors to consider. With the wide range of options available, choosing the right tools for your business can be overwhelming.

Here are Five Tips to help you Choose the Best Online Facebook Marketing Tools:-

Identify your Marketing Goals:-

Before choosing any online Facebook marketing tool, it is essential to identify your marketing goals. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you choose tools that align with your objectives.

Consider the Features:-

Find online Facebook marketing tools that offer a range of features such as audience targeting, ad creation, analytics and reporting, and automation. Choose tools that provide the functionality you need to achieve your marketing goals.

Check for user friendliness:-

Choose online Facebook marketing tools that are easy to use and have a user-friendly interface. This will help you save time and increase productivity.

Red Reviews and Ratings:-

Check out reviews and ratings from other users to see their experiences with the tools. Reviews and ratings can provide valuable insight into the usability, functionality and effectiveness of tools.

Consider the Price:-

While price shouldn’t be the only factor in choosing an online Facebook marketing tool, it’s important to consider your budget. Look for equipment that offers value for money and fits within your budget.

Choosing the best online Facebook marketing tool depends on your needs and budget. There are options for every business or individual, no matter the size.

Free Facebook Marketing Tools:-

Let’s take a look at the best Facebook marketing tools to help you achieve your Facebook marketing goals.

Facebook Ads Manager:-

Meta’s own Facebook Ads Manager is a Facebook tool that helps you create and manage Facebook ads

With Facebook Ads Manager, you can target the right demographics for your ad campaigns. It helps you set your budget to control expenses.

Reporting tools let you know everything about your ad performance. And you can pause any ad from Ad Manager to optimize the campaign.

Design-wise, it’s pretty old, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t offer some extra tools. Keeping that in mind though, it’s technically free to use, which is great if you’re on a tight budget and don’t want to pay for good Facebook marketing tools.

Facebook Messenger Marketing:-

Facebook Messenger Marketing is a marketing tool that enables you to communicate with your customers through Face book’s Messenger app. It allows you to send personalized messages, promotions and notifications to those who have opted in to receive messages from them this is a great way to differentiate your Facebook marketing and make it more personal Messenger marketing can be used for lead generation, customer engagement and sales conversion. Messenger marketing allows you to reach customers in a more conversational and personalized way, which can help build stronger relationships with them.

Facebook Messenger marketing has shown high open and click through rates. Compared to email marketing, Messenger messages have much higher open rates, with some reports suggesting they can reach 80%.

Additionally, since Messenger messages are more conversational in nature, they have higher engagement rates. This makes them a great tool for nurturing leads and building brand loyalty.

Facebook Creative Guide Navigator (Expert Guide):-

Facebook Creative Guide Navigator helps you drive results with expert advice. This tool will help you scale your Facebook ad campaigns with the help of experts and those who run such campaigns and have good experience in meta ads.

But if you really want to learn Facebook ads, I recommend getting advice from someone who is already doing it and running successful ad campaigns.

This tool provides you with filters to choose between platform, format, industry, region, business size and objectives.

Meta Blueprint:-

Meta Blueprint formerly known as Facebook Blueprint helps you discover online training courses and certifications that will help you get better at meta advertising and outrank your competitors.

The Meta Blueprint Course Catalog will help you search through the best courses and training programs to learn Meta Ads

In the image above you can see how this tool works as a search engine to find courses and training materials for learning and growth.

However, you can check out Courser from where I learned Facebook Ads.

Facebook Audience Insights:-

Facebook/Meta Audience Insights will help you find more data about your target audience that you want to target with Meta Ads.

You can get an overview of demographics, what people like and lifestyle.


WASK is a universal digital advertising platform that enables you to design, publish, manage and optimize ads. The UX and overall color-scheme itself is similar to face book’s Ads Manager, making it a great alternative if you’re migrating from that platform.

WASK’s main focus is to offer a marketing solution that is simple, affordable, and has all the tools you need for your Facebook marketing campaign. It works with all popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even Google Ads

 Standout feature is its competitor analysis tool, which lets you compare your social media channels to competitors. It provides more in-depth information with a better design, making it easier to analyze data than Facebook Ads Manager

After entering Coca Cola’s Facebook page and website in WASK, I could check their traffic, impressions and keywords.

This information will help you identify what’s working for your competitors and what you can do to improve your Facebook ad campaigns.


SendinBlue can help you create and run your Facebook marketing campaigns more efficiently. You can reach more people with well-designed ads and compelling calls-to-action.

I recommend SendinBlue for those who want to design beautiful and beautiful ads, as its ad builder is quite versatile.

This enables you to directly retarget a specific list of contacts. You can use a contact list to find new leads similar to your existing customers.

Once you set your ad parameters, SendinBlue will automatically optimize your daily spend to get the best results. They provide detailed reports to help analyze your campaign performance.

The best part is that SendinBlue has a great free plan that lets you send 300 emails a day for free, but the Facebook marketing options are paid.

Short Stacks:-

Short stack has positioned itself as the most powerful marketing platform for contests and giveaways. Its seamless integration with Facebook, as well as its range of design templates makes it another great addition to this list.

Short stack is especially great for users who are not tech-savvy and need an easy solution to create eye-catching Facebook ads. It helps you easily create and publish campaigns and integrate campaign analytics and email analytics into one platform. What’s more, you can get real-time insights into views, shares, traffic sources and more. It helps you create lead-generating landing pages one problem I’ve found when looking at pricing tiers is that even at the higher-priced tiers, there seem to be limits on the number of page views and entries per account page.

Facebook Creative Hub (Create Mockups):-

If you use this free tool of Facebook you are doing a lot of damage. This tool will help you get more creative and mockup ideas that you can use in your Facebook ads.

You can also get the inspiration and information you need, preview your best ideas on mobile, collaborate with your teammates on mockups and projects, and get ideas to launch easily, securely, and quickly.

Also checkout Play seat by Envato to create graphics and mockups.

Social Pilot:-

SocialPilot is a social media management tool that can help you streamline your social media presence across multiple social media platforms.

When it comes to Facebook marketing, SocialPilot offers it all. Create, customize and manage your Facebook ad campaigns through a single platform

One of the reasons you should choose Social Pilot is that it offers a user-friendly interface and allows easy scheduling of posts across multiple social media platforms. This saves you time so you can focus on other important tasks one of the best features of Social Pilot is its curated content feature This feature allows users to discover and share high-quality content from trusted sources within their industry or niche.

With curated content, you can quickly find relevant and interesting articles, blog posts and videos to share with your audience. Social Pilot offers a curated content library that is regularly updated with fresh content, ensuring you always have access to the latest and most relevant articles.

This is especially useful for businesses and individuals who don’t have the time or resources to create their own content. By sharing curated content, you can still provide value to your audience and maintain an active social media presence.

You can customize the curated content feature by selecting specific topics, keywords, or sources that align with your brand. This allows you to create a curated content feed that is relevant to your audience and helps establish your expertise in a specific niche.


These were some of the free Facebook marketing tools that you can use to research and plan your Facebook ads, and if you are looking for some paid tools for Facebook ads, you should definitely check out the tools below.

If you like this post, share it on your social media and tag me so I will share it again Also some other tools for Facebook ads that you know of without the url in the comments so I’ll approve.

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