List of High Ad Blog Commenting Sites for 2023

When I start my blogging in 2023 work on SEO for my graph. When I thing off a page SEO blog. At that time we added article featured on several topics blocks to the comments section.

There are a lot of you out there who might be wondering if blog comments still work. Then my answer will be yes because I can put this link website after giving the bag link above the comment.

If I give the comment back link then your web sign will rank. I can share your blog to the list of comments through this post. I will now introduce you to some websites.

You know that commenting helps you build relationships with other bloggers. If you post a comment you have the opportunity to give permission to the bloggers you are connected with to receive comments. This way you can driver referral traffic and a back links for the blog.

List of Blog Commenting Sites for 2023:-

Blog comments have some advantages.

Black links:-

By this comment you are creating back links which help you rank with the help of search engines. You can use these back links on. All you have to do is write a comment and after approval and indexing you can get the benefit of that link.


Blog comments will help you find on the internet which is a good way of referral traffic to your website. If you comment more than 50+ words page visitors will notice your words. Most of them visit these websites. This way you can use any ad network.


These comments can help you strengthen your networking. You can also build good relationships with people in this industry.

List of High DA Blogging, Social Media, Marketing, Internet Marketing, Digital Marketing blogs for Blog Commenting:-

  • Smart Blogger.
  • SmartPassiveIncome.
  • Copy blogger.
  • Blogging Basics.
  • Cloud Living.
  • Inspire to Thrive.
  • Blogger Ideas.
  • Yeast SEO Blog.
  • AdvanceWebRanking.
  • Blog.
  • Niche Pursuits.
  • Robbie Richards.
  • Authority Hacker.
  • GotchSeo.
  • Enstinemuki.
  • Blogging tips.
  • Mad lemmings.
  • Step forth.
  • Techipedia.
  • Battelle media.
  • Marketingcharts.
  • Elegant themes.
  • Quicksprout.
  • Toprankblog.
  • Techwyse.

These are some blog comment size for digital marketing and other that have provided followers.

List of High Da Health and Fitness Blog Commenting:-

Here is a list of some health blog comment sites for health niche websites.

  • 100DaysofRealFood.
  • HiveHealthMedia.
  • Aggies Kitchen.
  • FitnessVsWeightLoss.
  • Diabetes Strong.
  • TechWalls.
  • HealthBeckon.

How to Do Blog Commenting for Traffic?

Yes, it is true that with the help of comments you can drive quality referral traffic to your blog. All you have to do is find some blogs in your niche and start commenting on those articles, make sure you comment after reading the entire article, don’t just say “good post, “great post” and “love your articles”. I know why they are commenting.

In the comments you should provide alternative solutions to the problems discussed on the page. If you are aware, you can appreciate the blogger for providing great information with added value that supports the authenticity and relevance of your comments. If you are looking for a list of instant approval blog comment sites, some websites do not require any approval to allow instant comments

You can answer questions that other people have asked on the page, thus attracting more users to your blog

You can see below the image how you should comment on other blogs to build strong relationships and back links.

Always remember; try to ask questions in the comments section that are relevant to the topic of the post. When typing your comment, use some keywords related to the topic in your conversation, this increases the chances of your comment being approved.

To do this you can hire people from Fever or Sealers to do your work, thus you can save some more time for yourself and work on developing more strategies for your blogging business.

Let me tell you that I have a team of freelancers and in-house members who do various things to build quality links, some comment backlines, web 2.0, directory submission, press releases, email outreach to other bloggers, etc. For our blog and the rest are engaged in creating high-quality content for our online business.

Just keep calm and prepare your off-page SEO strategy and you can start by creating comment links from above websites.

Blog Commenting Sites List FAQS:-

How to you write a good comment on a blog?

If you want to write good blog comments, keep the following points in mind.

  • Write short and crisp comments.
  • Don’t try to spam the comment box.
  • Your answer must include target keywords that should be relevant to the article.
  • You can use emoji’s to make comments more attractive and interesting.
  • Add value to your words don’t just share your opinion.
  • be respectful of others when writing your comments.
  • Don’t just comment for backlines
  • Commenting can help you build your network and reach more viewers.

What is the Use of blog commenting in SEO?

People comment to build good relationships and drive some quality traffic to their blog, and Google can read your words and what people are saying about your brand.

You know that branding is one of the most important ranking signals in SEO.

What should I write in comment?

Write your own thoughts or opinions on a specific blog post. You can ask any question related to the content of your mind.

Also, you can review and suggest the article in the comments section.

What Type of Link will be made if you comment on a blog?

Most of the comment links are no follow but there are 5% blocks that provide do follow links in comments.


Hope through this post I have told you people about List of  High DA Blog Commenting Sites for 2023. You have found the site you are looking for. But here are some websites, you should stay away from. If you know something else, then you can ask for comments yourself.

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