How to Track Internet Usage on Windows 11

No one likes to wake up on a Sunday morning to find out which data plan they have used to update a system. Fortunately, Windows 11 is your problem that needs to come with built-in features to use. You need to track the numbers using internet data. I will teach you how to use the internet track on windows 11 PC.

Track Internet Usage on Windows:-

View Internet Data Usage on Windows 11:-

  • You need to open the setting app using the windows 11 keyboard shortcut. After opening the settings, click on the network and internet section switch on the left side. After clicking the switch on the internet, you need to click on the development network settings at the bottom of this page.
  • There are many more setting sections. Go to settings and click search for options using data.
  • Now you can see what you have used for the last 30 days in the upper left corner. If you want a wired connection to access price all internet, you have the option to switch between wired and wireless network models switch from Duncan. Each of your app networks has been used on this page.

Reset Internet Data Usage on Windows 11:-

You can restart windows 11 to set it up. Here’s how to do it right.

  • After opening the app in the settings, you have to navigate to the network and internet section from the left cyber. Click on advanced network settings.
  • Data is used in more settings from the advanced network settings page.
  • You will need to click the restart button and scroll down until you find the recycling options.

Set Up Limit on Windows 11:-

If you do not have an internet connection with unlimited data then do not exceed it. There has been a great idea to set up an active data limite. We will receive a warning message on Windows 11 PC that you will run out of data for the month.

  • You need to open the settings app before starting. After opening the Settings app, go to the network and internet on the left side. Go to advanced network settings and click.
  • More settings need to be used by click from the department.
  • Click the internet button below the network type drop-down in the top right corner.
  • Now you have to click on the detailed limit of your choice. You also have to choose between unlimited data.
  • You can use all the data for one month on your data usage page after setting the data limit.
  • You are now using a data limits set. Consider all usage of your meter. You can use the data on your Windows PC.


Hopefully, through this post, I have been able to tell your people about How to Track Internet Usage on Windows 11. You’ve found the site you have been looking for to watch people. Keep away from some websites. If you know anything you can ask through the comments below.

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